Would you like to spend a haunted weekend investigating some of the UK's Most Haunted Hotels? Join the hauntedhotelguide.com team on our WeekendHaunts events in a selection of the most Haunted Hotels, Haunted Castles and Haunted Inns throughout the UK...
Our WeekendHaunts include Dinner, Bed and Breakfast plus full Paranormal Investigation by one of the UK's top investigative teams consisting of a Group Tour with Mediums; Group Vigils and S�ances with mediums followed by full discussion and debrief of findings.
We are delighted to have teamed up with Phil Whyman for some of our WeekendHaunts events throughout the UK over the coming months. You will most likely have heard of Phil Whyman through his time on the popular paranormal investigation television series 'Most Haunted', and the paranormal reality show 'Scream Team'.
Find out more about our WeekendHaunts events by visiting our WeekendHaunts page...